- Old Republic International's CCI indicator is below -100
- Brown & Brown's upper Bollinger Band® is at $58.41.
Trend and momentum analysis indicates that Old Republic International Corporation's CCI indicator is below -100, meaning the market price is unusually low and below its rolling moving average. Momentum evaluation shows that the Relative Strength Index shows Old Republic International is in oversold condition. According to asset volatility analysis, Bollinger Bands® shows an indication of recovery: the lower band is at $24.06, a low enough level to, generally, suggest that Old Republic International is trading below its fair value.
For the time being, Old Republic International remains flat without a clear direction.
Trend analysis indicates that HDFC Bank's CCI indicator has fallen below -100, meaning prices are unusually low compared to their long-term average. According to momentum evaluation, HDFC Bank's RSI fell below 30, going into oversold condition. Analysis based on the asset volatility indicates that HDFC Bank's lower Bollinger Band® is now at $63.46.
For the time being, HDFC Bank remains flat without a clear direction.
Trend-focused traders would be interested to note that Brown & Brown's CCI indicator is below -100, meaning the market price is unusually low and below its rolling moving average. Asset volatility analysis shows that Brown & Brown's lower Bollinger Band® is at $54.05, indicating that the asset has overextended to the downside and could, therefore, bounce back as buyers look for bargains.
For the time being, Brown & Brown remains flat without a clear direction.
Technical analysis trend indicators suggest that AMG's CCI indicator has fallen below -100, meaning prices are unusually low compared to their long-term average. Momentum evaluation shows that the Relative Strength Index shows AMG is in strong oversold condition. Analysis based on the asset volatility indicates that AMG's lower Bollinger Band® is at $140.56.
For the time being, AMG remains flat without a clear direction.
Upcoming fundamentals: United States Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Mar) is scheduled for today at 12:30 UTC.