اخبار بورس
Discover the stocks that enjoyed record volumes amid yesterday's decline
The highest trading volumes during yesterday's session were recorded by: Cyren Ltd., Terminix Global Holdings, Inc., Enel Américas S.A.. Yesterday's session summary: Leading equity ...
25 February, 2023

اخبار بورس
Discover the stocks that enjoyed record volumes amid today's decline
Take a look at the following stocks that showed higher volumes than usual: Terminix Global Holdings, Inc., Enel Américas S.A., Nektar Therapeutics. Here's an ...
24 February, 2023

اخبار بورس
3 stocks endured heavy volumes amid market jump today
Terminix Global Holdings, Inc., Banco Santander México, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Santander México, Enel Américas S.A. and others reached higher-than-usual trading ...
23 February, 2023

اخبار بورس
Discover the 3 highest volume stocks amid yesterday’s market sell-off
Terminix Global Holdings, Inc., Enel Américas S.A., Abiomed and others reached higher-than-usual trading volumes. A recap of yesterday's session: Leading equity indices in the ...
22 February, 2023